Friday, June 28, 2013

Nutritious meals for children

Children's menus nutritious

Nutritious meals for childrenOne of the concerns of every mother is to know how to prepare nutritious meals for children, especially if they go to school. That is why this time discuses about nutritious children's meals, to guide you to prepare the food.

When you start the school day begins concern that children are well fed, to meet all your daily demands. To do this, it is important to have on hand a number of ideas of children's menus including tasty, nutritious meals for children and you can include in your daily diet. 

Nutritious children's menus

Menu 1: Pita sandwich with good quality ham, cheese, tomato and lettuce with mayonnaise, with 1 banana.

Menu 2: Spring Rice to include potatoes, carrots, peas, chopped egg and rice (preferably whole wheat), seasoned with 1 teaspoon olive oil, and 1 flan.

Menu 3: If still hot you can make a short noodle salad with vegetables that your child will feel hungry. Also you can add grated cheese, and 1 gelatin.

Nutritious meals for children
Menu 4: Breaded steak with baked potato and pumpkin puree, and 1 block.

Menu6: Omelet of cheese, ham and tomato. Strawberries (sliced ​​strawberries portion would be a medium cup).

Menu 7: Pita bread sandwich a slice of chicken or celery with chopped celery, lettuce and cheese spread, and 1 orange.

Menu 8: Breaded chicken with baked tortilla chips, and 1 gelatin.

All these meals are nutritious and can prepare that eat both at home and outside, in school. Remember that meals should be nutritious and contain protein, fats, sugars, vitamins and minerals for children to grow up healthy and develop their full potential.


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